Celebrating National Book Lovers Day

While every day is Book Lovers Day at Master Wings Publishing, the officially recognized National Book Lovers Day is August 9th. We love seeing an entire day dedicated to all things books. Here are five unique ways you can celebrate.

Bond over a Favorite Book – Books can bring people together, which is one reason book clubs are so popular. For National Book Lovers Day, you can take the book club concept further and choose a friend or family member for a one-on-one bonding session. Take turns talking about books you love: a childhood book that meant a lot to you, a book that you love to read again and again, a book that changed how you think, and so on. You may be surprised how much you learn about each other, even if you have known each other for years.

Try Something New – It’s easy to fall into a bit of a book rut by sticking to your favorite authors and genres. One way to expand your love of books is by stepping outside your typical reading routine. If you usually read fiction, pick up a non-fiction book for a change of pace. You can also vary the format, experimenting with audiobooks, e-books, and print editions of different titles. We’ve found that what starts as an experiment often becomes a regular part of a book lover’s reading habit.

Pass it On – Share your love of books by paying it forward. You can volunteer to read to children at various libraries and youth groups, support a literacy foundation, or donate books to a local charity. Books also make great gifts, and you can get ahead of the holiday rush and celebrate National Book Lovers Day at the same time by choosing some meaningful literary gifts. You’ll get to celebrate all over again when the holidays arrive!

Find Some Quiet – In our busy, screen-filled days, finding the time and quiet to curl up with a good book can seem like a luxury. There’s perhaps no better day to carve out a guilt-free window to do nothing but read a book than National Book Lovers Day. Hold the space the same way you’d hold any important appointment and enjoy the sheer pleasure of reading.

Support an Author – Supporting your favorite authors is a great way to honor National Book Lovers Day. Authors pour hours of time, passion, and dedication into their books, yet they don’t always hear from the readers who love their work. Write reviews on sites like Goodreads, share some appreciative comments on their social channels, and email a note of thanks through their personal website or publishing house. They may or may not be able to respond, but authors appreciate any positive feedback.

Whether you celebrate by reading a new book or an old favorite, we wish you a happy, book-filled August 9th.