Frank Lloyd Wright’s $10,000 Home

Master Wings


Frank Lloyd Wright’s $10,000 Home

History, Design, and Restoration of the Bach House

Robert J. Hartnett

When Emil and Anna Bach approached Frank Lloyd Wright to design and build their Chicago home in 1915, he quoted a cost of $10,000, or $250,000 in modern purchasing power. Wright is known for his grand, international designs like the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo and the Guggenheim in New York. But he also designed beautiful and carefully practical small family homes like the Bach’s “little dream house.”

Frank Lloyd Wright’s $10,000 Home is a design-focused portrait of that iconic building, published by Master Wings in partnership with Hilton Publishing, featuring rare building illustrations, beautiful maps, and intimate family stories. Extensive photographs offer a distinctive look at the house’s history, the families that lived there, and the thoughtful process of its protection and restoration.

Frank Lloyd Wright’s
$10,000 Home Video

Bob Hartnett
Author Webinar

Bob Hartnett discussed his book,Frank Lloyd Wright’s $10,000 Home,in this webinar hosted by Monona Terrace and sponsored by Wright in Wisconsin.

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