Frank Lloyd Wright is one of America’s most beloved architects. While people around the world appreciate his architectural legacy, few people realize the dramatic ups and downs that marked his career and personal life. He experienced deeply fulfilling career successes followed by professional exhaustion. Domestic bliss was followed by social controversy and then, devastating tragedy. These events were often the impetus for some of his most inspiring architectural works.
Author: Erika Davis
A Must-Read for 2025: Why This Historical Nonfiction Book is So Relevant Today
Politics, Partnerships, & Power: The Lives of Ralph E. and Marguerite Stitt Church is an engrossing and entertaining read about a remarkable couple in twentieth-century Illinois politics with themes that still resonate in 2025.
Behind the Scenes: Three Rejected Titles for Master Wings Publishing
We judge books by their covers, but perhaps even more so by their titles! Selecting the right title is a critical part of the creation of a book, and it can be a complex task. It’s not just about picking a catchy phrase, it’s also about capturing the heart and purpose of the story, grabbing attention, and accurately representing the themes of the work.
Here is a peek inside our process here at Master Wings – we’ll briefly go over two rejected and reworked early title ideas from our three most recent Master Wings books here, detailing some of why they shifted and the strategy behind a few of the turns we took to get to our final results.
Whether you’re an author yourself trying to decide on how to choose your own title, a fan of these works, or just looking for some insider information, read on!
Frank Lloyd Wright’s $10,000 Home: Design, History, & Restoration of the Bach House
One considered title for this book was “Frank Lloyd Wright’s Emil Bach House – Where the Prairie Meets the City. “ We removed Emil’s first name from this proposed idea, as by just calling the property the Bach House it became more inclusive and properly representative of the full family that built and lived in the home. Emil Bach was the patriarch, but his wife Anna and the extended Bach family living there beyond them were equally involved, and since Emil wasn’t a widely known figure, people wouldn’t typically search for his name alone.
Adding “$10,000 Home” was done to hook the audience and mark how this was different from Wright’s other efforts. Wright is known for his grand, international designs like the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo and the Guggenheim in New York. But he also designed beautiful and carefully practical small family homes like the Bach’s “little dream house,” for $10,000, so the emphasis – what made this book and its focus unique – was placed.
This brainstormed subtitle of “Where the Prairie Meets the City” also left us with questions instead of answers: What city? What prairie? To address the full breadth of the work and its focus the trio descriptor of design, history, and restoration was added instead, with the words carefully selected to accurately represent the coverage present.
Lita & Jean: Memoirs of Two Generations of Military Women
One of the first book names discussed was “Enlisting the Family: Putting the ‘Me’ in Memoir.” Although it’s interesting wordplay, and it slightly gets across that this is a military affiliated project, a lead of “Enlisting the Family” doesn’t accurately reflect the complicated relationship that Lita and Jean had with their family and the caring and inspirational relationship they had with each other. It was also important to represent that their whole lives weren’t just the military, but that they were individuals dedicated to service and care throughout. So we went with just their first names.
“Me in Memoir” further doesn’t add anything to the concept beyond the information that this was a memoir, and could read incorrectly to audiences as a how-to guide on how to write an autobiography, or that this is a book by just one person, which this is not.
In the end, the focus of the novel, and what made it unique and worthwhile in comparison to others of its kind is how it covers the full span of multiple generations, and women in the military, and so the title should reflect that.
Choosing the right title requires a delicate balance of creativity, strategy, and attention. You need something that resonates with the story and with the reader, but still stands out and secures a strong impact.
If you’re interested in any of the titles above, you can buy them for a discounted price. Master Wings Publishing is holding a 40% off holiday sale through December 26th! Explore our collection, including eBooks and physical copies. No code needed—just visit our site and start saving!
From all of us at Master Wings Publishing, we wish you a joyful and peaceful holiday season. Happy shopping, and happy reading!
Five Books, Five Genres – Dual Female Authors at Work
In 1960, men wrote 82% of published books, but today, the majority of books are authored by women. And what’s better than one woman? Two! At Master Wings Publishing, we’ve found that co-authored books often provide a rich blend of perspective, context, and narrative interest. Here are some great reads written by female co-authors across five genres to shine a light on female authorship.
From the Archive: 7 Images that were Cut from Politics, Partnerships, & Power
Selecting images for a book that covers the remarkable lives of Marguerite Stitt and Ralph E. Church is no easy task. The breadth of their accomplishments and involvement uncovers many possible paths, and as publishers of the first biography of the couple, Master Wings Publishing did a lot of digging.
Master Wings Publishing’s Tips on How to Write and Publish a Biography
A good biography is a wildly different animal than a good fictional tale, but it’s also more than page after page of facts. If you’re in the process of writing a biography about a notable person, we can give you the standard advice: maintain a strong timeline as a backbone reference, track your sources throughout, and perform meticulous research on significant events as well as the buildup to these events. But we can also give you the insider tips that elevate biography authors to the next level, potentially securing publishing deals and critical acclaim. Here are essential how to successfully write and publish a biography.
Boost Your Book Club with Politics, Partnerships, & Power: The Lives of Ralph E. & Marguerite Stitt Church
A gripping tale of a powerhouse couple who broke barriers and built a lasting political legacy – this is the type of book that book club discussions were made for. Politics, Partnerships, & Power: The Lives of Ralph E. & Marguerite Stitt Church by Jay Pridmore & Christine Wolf is full of both history and intrigue. The couple were pioneers in Illinois’ ‘legislative service and instrumental in developing local initiatives that went beyond state borders – including Marguerite’s leadership in creating the Peace Corps.
Celebrating Small Press Month
March is National Small Press Month, and as an independent publishing house that seeks to create and promote exceptional books that inspire, educate, and endure, we are thrilled to celebrate it every year. Small Press Month began in 1996 to celebrate small and independent publishers’ place in the industry and highlight their important contributions to the publishing landscape.
Honoring Female Black/African American Veterans and Advocates
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Five Supplemental Books for Politics, Partnerships, Power: The Lives of Ralph E. & Marguerite Stitt Church
With hundreds of citations, Master Wings’ newest title Politics, Partnerships, & Power: The Lives of Ralph E. & Marguerite Stitt Church by Jay Pridmore and Christine Wolf is as SP Review describes: “rich in historical context and well-researched detail.” But as we know, the more you know, the more you want to know!