Frequently Asked

Are you currently accepting manuscripts? 

Yes! Feel free to submit THIS FORM and if interested, we will reach out with an offer.

Where can I buy the books? 

With our distributor Ingram PGW, our books are available through all main channels and orderable at your local book store. Our books are for sale on Amazon and most are always present in physical form at the Pritzker Military Museum and Library. 

Can I sell your books in my store? 

Odds are, yes! Please contact your Ingram rep or us at inquiries@masterwings.net with your information. We offer consignment as well as bulk discounts. 

Can I use your book in my classroom? 

Yes, you can. Please reach out for copyright information. We have lesson plans available for many of our books, and just like us, our authors are committed to their projects and their community. We are happy to work with you to make something spectacular.  

Who can I speak to for more information on a particular book? 

Please email inquiries@masterwings.net for more information. 

Are your authors available for signings/events? 

Yes! Reach out to inquiries@masterwings.net, and we’ll see what’s possible.  

Can I get a discount if buying in bulk? 

Yes! Please email us directly and we’re happy to discuss discounts. 

How can I support Master Wings? 

Buy our books! Come to our events! Follow us on social media! We’re on Facebook and Instagram.

Do you have a catalog of all your current titles I can download? 

Yes! Here is our catalog. This document includes specifics like reviews, sizes, and carton quantities for all of our books. If there’s any additional information you need, please let us know.  

How can I find out when the next Master Wings event is? 

Look on our website and social media for the most up-to-date information on events. 

When is the next book being released? 

We’re currently working on some amazing books. Check back soon for updates and releases.